Mission in Your Community
Loving our neighbour means reaching out to them with the love of Jesus. The resources on this page focus on how congregations can reach out to the people in their community.
New and Renewing Churches
New and Renewing Churches serve the kingdom of God by supporting church planting and missional renewal. We desire to go as God’s people and form missional communities and congregations across Australia and New Zealand. We know that God’s love comes to life when God’s people grow in his grace and go out into the world with his love.
Current projects to help congregations reach out to their local communities include:
Congregations will also find several print and digital resources to develop a missional focus and conference videos that may be useful in exploring church planting and missional outreach on the New and Renewing Churches website.
Emergency relief and community care
Lutherans have a long tradition of supporting their local communities in times of need and sharing the gospel through practical means, such as feeding the hungry and caring for those in need.
Community services are provided by Lutheran Community Care in South Australia and Lutheran Services in Queensland. The services include emergency assistance, financial and personal counselling, foster care, help for homeless people and women fleeing domestic violence, and support for families, people with disabilities and new arrivals. You can find out more at Lutheran Community Care and Lutheran Services.
You can learn more about caring for the physical needs of your community on the Caring Ministries page.
Mission to children, youth and families
There are likely families with children and young people in your community who have little or no contact with a Christian church. They are a primary mission field on your doorstep.
There are several ways you can reach out to children, youth and their families in your local areas. These include:
- building a connection with and supporting your local schools
- offering children or family activities and ministries accessible for people new to church life in terms of time, location and level of prior knowledge required. Some congregations find programs like Messy Church or Mostly Music helpful
- helping to meet material needs, especially in times of financial pressure. This could be through supporting local aid agencies, preparing hampers for families struggling with the cost of living, participating in op shops, volunteering to run breakfast clubs in schools, etc
- supporting families in their parenting by offering positive parenting classes, playgroups or other ministry activities with child-minding support.
Visit the Grow Ministries website to view several resources that can support your congregation in this area. You may find the following articles particularly helpful:
Schools and early childhood services
He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, 'Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me' (Mark 9:36,37).
There are many ways that congregations can build relationships and connections with the schools and early childhood services nearby, whether they are Lutheran or government.
Some Lutheran congregations and parishes have stepped out in faith to establish a faith-based school or early childhood service. They might even be physically co-located and share some spaces in common. These congregations and parishes seek to develop and maintain a strong ongoing relationship and partnership in ministry and mission.
Some congregations find that they are near a local state school or early learning centre and might try to make meaningful connections as they reach out to their local community. A congregation can have an enormous impact on their local school or early childhood service.
Mission to older people
We live in an ageing population, and many people in your wider community will be looking for answers, comfort and support as they age.
There is much that can be done in outreach with seniors. Congregations may wish to offer ministry and mission to their wider communities, sharing the gospel and providing supports to people living at home or in aged care.
These could range from making church events and activities more accessible so visitors and guests feel able to participate to visiting and telephone ministries, supporting people struggling to make decisions about their ongoing care, volunteering to help community organisations like Meals on Wheels or helping in aged care facilities.
You may find the resources on the following pages helpful.
Chaplains provide pastoral care in specific settings, such as schools, aged care, hospitals and prisons. Chaplains may also serve in crisis situations, such as following natural disasters, or act in support of police or the defence forces.
Congregations may like to support chaplains in local settings by offering financial and spiritual support and volunteer support for the activities they run.
Learn more on the Chaplaincy page.
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